Glaucoma Eye Exams,
Testing & Diagnosis

During your routine eye exam or as part of a special glaucoma testing visit, we may perform a number of tests in order to be able to provide early detection and make the most accurate diagnosis of glaucoma. These may include the following:

  • Tonometry-Intraocular Pressure (IOP) measurement.
  • Ophthalmoscopy-Examination of the optic nerve throughout a dilated pupil which may be performed using special instruments or a high magnification lens at the Slit Lamp Biomicroscope.
  • Visual Field Perimetry-A computerized examination to plot an actual map of the field of your vision.
  • Gonioscopy-Direct examination of the drainage structures of your eye called “trabecular meshwork”-using a specialized contact lens at the Slit Lamp Biomicroscope.
  • Computerized Imaging of Optic Nerve & Fibers-OCT uses a method called “optical coherence tomography” to create digital images with beams of light to examine the optic nerve and measure the retinal nerve fiber thickness.
  • Pachymetry Measurement of Corneal Thickness

From this testing our doctors and glaucoma specialist will be able to make a diagnosis and recommendations for additional visits and treatment as required. They will be sure to answer all questions you may have and help you understand how we will work together to help maintain your eye health & vision.